How to prepare your business for the holiday season (4 tips for taking time off without worrying)


Christmas is just around the corner, and you know what that means — not only is your shopping list long, but so is your to-do list. There’s client work that has to be completed, team that have to be managed, marketing content prepared and scheduled ahead of time, inbox autoresponders that need to be turned on, and so much more!

With all of these things to do, you might be wondering how you can possibly take time off. And you might be thinking well, heck, I’m not going to bother taking any time off at all. So you work through the holiday season, miss out on family events, and wind up feeling incredibly burnt out and guilty.

I want to suggest another way. It IS possible to take time off during the holiday season and, really, any time you want a holiday throughout the year. And you CAN do this without getting burnout in the preparation phase.

Here's 4 steps to take

1. Define When You Want to Take Time Off

The first step in ensuring a stress-free holiday break is to clearly define when you want to take time off. Whether it's a few days around Christmas or a week to welcome the New Year, having a concrete timeframe in mind allows you to plan effectively. Communicate this timeframe with your team and make sure everyone is on the same page regarding the holiday schedule. Setting clear boundaries will not only help you mentally prepare for the time off but also ensure that your team is aware of their responsibilities during your absence.

2. Managing Your Team's Holiday Plans

After determining your own holiday schedule, consider the plans of your team members. Are they also taking time off? Understanding your team's availability is crucial for effective planning. If multiple team members are on vacation simultaneously, it's essential to distribute workloads accordingly or even consider hiring temporary help. Encourage open communication about holiday plans, and if needed, create a schedule that ensures essential tasks are covered while maintaining a fair distribution of responsibilities among team members. If you don't have any team members, skip this step and simple work out when you will need to work ahead to ensure you can take the time off.

3. Take Care of Client Expectations

Once you have a clear picture of your schedule and your team's availability, it's time to address client expectations. Communication is key here. Inform your clients well in advance about your holiday plans, letting them know the dates you'll be away and how any ongoing work will be handled. Want the exact template I use for clients? DM me the word "Holiday template" on IG @withhannahandco and I'll send you mind (FREE!)

4. Create a Comprehensive To-Do List

To avoid a last-minute rush, create a detailed to-do list for the lead-up to your holiday break. Dedicate specific times to accomplish tasks, ensuring that everything is organized and completed before you step away. Prioritize urgent and time-sensitive activities, and delegate tasks to your team as needed. By systematically tackling your to-do list, you'll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything is under control, allowing you to enjoy your holiday without constant worries about the state of your business.


Free Template

If you're ready to take the first step toward a stress-free holiday, DM me the word "holiday template" on IG @withhannahandco to receive my free template for communicating with clients during your time off. Enjoy your well-deserved break!


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