Retainer Services Demystified: Breaking Down Common Myths


Have you thought about offering a retainer service but have held back? You might have thought retainers are only for big agencies, that clients won’t find them appealing, or that retainer services are hard to sell. 

I completely understand why you might have believed these things. But I want to show you another way! 

In this blog post, I’m diving into the myths you may have believed about retainers, and showing you why they are a great way to create consistent income in your B2B service business this year. Let’s dive in! 

Myth 1: Retainers Are Only for Big Agencies 

They’re perfect for any B2B service provider. They’re especially helpful for solopreneurs, because they give you a baseline of consistent income every single month that you can rely on. 

Myth 2: A Retainer Service Is Hard to Sell 

In my own experience, after offering custom projects/VIP days/coaching offers/digital products and more I have found retainer services to be the easiest option to sell. It’s about knowing what your ideal clients want and packaging it in that way 

Myth 3: Clients Won’t Want to Commit to a Retainer 

Worried that new clients won’t want the “commitment” that comes with a retainer service? Or that existing clients won’t see the value of signing on with you for an extended period of time? That’s simply not true! Retainer services are an easier yes for someone because it’s usually a lower upfront cost investment. You can also choose the commitment amount required. For example, you may just want a month to month retainer service and someone can cancel anytime!

Myth 4: Retainers Limit Flexibility

You may think that retainers are all too much work. You’re locked in each month to a workload so how can you possibly have holidays etc. Contrary to popular belief, retainer agreements can offer significant flexibility. They're not about locking clients into rigid, long-term commitments. Instead, they're about establishing a mutually-beneficial relationship with your clients. In fact, I have found they offer more flexibility because there’s more predictability in workload. You can batch and streamline your work to make it easier to take time off when you need it (or have the predictability of income and work tasks to make hiring less stressful)

Myth 5: I’ll Have to Throw In The Kitchen Sink With a Retainer Service 

Nope! The best retainer services offer bite-sized solutions for your clients. Retainer services are about filling needs in simple, DFY ways. The more simple the service, the easier it is to scale and the better the results are for clients.

Myth 6: Retainer services are hard to deliver 

If you have a great system in your backend to streamline your unique approach to solving the pain points of your clients in your area of expertise, they actually are easier to deliver and you get clients great results.

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