Case study: How Content Repurposing Overwhelmed Me


Case study: How Content Repurposing Overwhelmed Me

Welcome back to another episode of the Business Ease Podcast. Today I'm going to be talking all about my experience with content batching and repurposing.

Let's dive into today's episode.

As a service provider you can feel really overwhelmed when it comes to marketing for a few reasons.

One reason is a lot of the marketing strategies work really well if you're a course creator or a membership owner. Also, if you sell digital products.  The marketing strategy as a service provider is vastly different to that style of business.  You are not trying to market to the masses but really just marketing to a small a select few.  You are providing a personalised package to your ideal clients in order to hit income goals each month.

When I first started my business, I was on every single marketing platform like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.   I tried ads, referrals and pitching doing everything I could possibly think of.   What I found was I spent so much time in my week marketing with so little results.  You would be familiar with the saying “putting all of your eggs into one basket?" This just didn’t work for me as I was spreading myself thinly over all these platforms. 

I decided to do a two-month experiment and focus on just 3 strategies.  Dropping Facebook, Pinterest (even though I was a Pinterest manager) and ads, I kept 3 marketing strategies. These 3 strategies which have stood the test of time are direct pitching, referrals and Instagram.  (You can go back and listen to previous episodes on these 3 strategies where I go into more details.)


  • Direct Pitching - with my Instagram I stopped batching in such vast quantities and instead I batched weekly.  Every week I had a marketing day and on that marketing day I would send 20 pitches for that week.

  • Referral Partners - I would reach out to any referral partners with the goal of trying to reach just one to two people.  If there was others that had come up through the week, then obviously I would add them.

  • Instagram - I also created my Instagram content for the week.

So that's what it looked like when I realised I could accomplish all my marketing in half a day. I went from 3 to 27 clients on just those three marketing strategies alone.  So now my content and my marketing batching looks quite different.  As an experienced service provider I still  use those 3 tried and true strategies.  I currently have a consistent stream and its more about maintaining it now.


  • Instagram Management Agency - I run an Instagram management agency with Elise Hodge, called Simple Social House.  We pitch a lot more weekly in this business because we are still in the growth stage.  (If you are looking for Instagram management then we would love to serve you on Simple Social House.)

  • Service Provider - I'm in more of a maintenance stage of my services business and I am really happy with where it is and with the team that helps me.

  • Online Coaching - my strategy is a little bit different here because my offer is different.  I want to reach and nurture clients with online coaching, whether it's one on one coaching, courses, memberships and digital products.  I have to market to a lot more people at once, but through testimonials can show my experience and what it looks like to be coached by me.

  • Podcast & Blog - for the podcast side of my business I actually batch this out monthly because I have an incredible editor, Sharon and her website is (She is also one of my members in the Accountability Club). I also have another team member who then creates the blog content by repurposing the podcast into blog content and schedules it out.  In terms of the podcast site, I really can batch it in large quantities because I have a team around me now.  Having a podcast is also one strategy that I'm finding helpful to connect me with other business owners. 

  • Advertising - I am currently looking at ads, so a big part of this is I have people on my team to help support me in that as well.  The batching strategy for ads is done monthly and I'm looking at the reports with the team weekly.

So that's what my content repurposing looks like now and how it has changed over time. My podcast episode usually dictates what the blog will be and also some of the Instagram content for the week.  I am able to promote that episode and this helps with my weekly email marketing.  

In conclusion, with any marketing strategy, always ask yourself these two questions. Number 1 - is this fun for me? Number 2 -is this getting me results?  Don't ever feel like you have to be on every platform either. Choose your top one to three strategies, nail them and then add in team supports.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Business Ease Podcast.  If you found this episode helpful, I would love for you to tag me on Instagram @withHannahandCo and share your biggest takeaway from this episode and I would love if you could leave a 5-star review.

Those two actions mean more than you will ever know, and I can't wait to hang out with you on next week's episode.

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